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The Broken Chain


We little knew that day. God was going to call your name.  In life we loved you dearly. In death, we do the same.  It broke our hearts to lose you. You did not go alone.  For part of us went with you.  The day God called you home.  You left us beautiful memories.  Your love is still our guide.  And though we cannot see you.  You are always at our side.  Our family chain is broken.  And nothing seems the same.  But as God calls us one by one.  The chain will link again.

Today I added "I Believe" by Brooks and Dunn as Grandi's web-site song. I know he would have liked the song if he ever heard it. I am sure he likes it and can hear it. Katty Kat always goes and sits by Grandi's door. He wants to go in his Daddy's room. Life hasn't been the same since Grandi's been gone. It never will be again. So much has changed. I wish he was here.     

This is the letter I wrote the morning of my Grandi's visitation. I placed it in his arms.



"In Grandi's Footstep's"
When God sent your precious soul to this earth, He knew what a profound impact you would have on those who have ever had the privilege to be in your presence. He
knew and that is why you were sent to Earth. Grandi, you didn't leave with
unfinished work, you came and completed what God sent you for. Yes, I still want
to learn a lot from you. But I know you have taught me all I need to know in life.
And that is that the simple things in life are all that matter. It all makes sense to me
now. Yes, it's hard with all these people around and you not being here to enjoy all
this good food that people who thought the world of you brought Mimi. Because I
know you would eat until you felt "sick" and then you would go to the refrigerator
for your "medicine" (ice cream) and then instead of heading back out, you would
"have to let your food digest". This you did by taking a nap. This is one of the
simple things you did in life.
Oh, I will never forget the wonder that filled my little heart when I'd see a ripe plum
dangling from your legendary plum tree. I knew exactly what that meant. Time for
a "plum fight"!!! Boy, you could get around then! I could get around better then
too but I guess when a ripe plum that's being thrown at you about ten miles an
hour would make anyone get around fast. I will never forget the pine tree we
planted together. It stands so tall now. But it will NEVER stand as tall as you stood.
You would be so thrilled to see how many apples are hanging from the apple tree
and the peaches on your peach tree today.
I recall the fourth of July one year; you made some homemade ice-cream. Or should I say "medicine". With all the produce you have nurtured around 2552 Matthew Lane, you could have your own produce stand. Your love for your garden and red tips and life will live on. It will live on through every one you ever came in contact with. Maybe one day, when I can get around to learning how to eat vegetables like you did, I will go to the garden and get one or two for my supper, head over to the
sink and wash them off, just like you did. There are so many images of you in my head. I can see you laid all the way back in
your recliner. I see you with three "catty cats" perched in your arms in your recliner. I can see you standing behind home plate at the ball field. I see you walking
around in your backyard, I see you putting your helmet on for a Sunday evening
motorcycle ride. I see my hair standing on end after a ride to work with you on your
motorcycle. I see us on your old boat at the river when we tried to ski or when you
got me on "Old Bertha" for the first time in my life. I see you eating lunch at grandmas. I see you and Mimi eating chicken and dumplings from Vasser's and you
made me eat some of yours so I did. I see every time I passed you in town, sometimes you waved, sometimes you didn't see me. I see you at the shop and how
you told me about how it was the first place you'd ever worked.
You always gave me stuff I needed more than I wanted. I still have all five books on
the presidents you bought me. I still have every collectible coin you ever gave me.
Even the Susan B. Anthony dollars you told me not to spend, 1 didn't.
Every thing you did in life was simplified. You never let anyone know you had a
worry in the world. But that's because deep down you didn't. Your smile was
contagious. You couldn't smile at Grandi, without him smiling back at you.Generation to Generation I will pass on what you taught me, I will tell of my grandi and what you meant to me. With my husband I want to be like you and Mimi. With
my children, I want to be like you were with Mom, T, Jaimie, your Grandkids....even Elijah and Tom. Even Jason, since he lost his grandfather and
father, you filled a void for him. Your list of children goes way beyond your
infamous three girls. Mom, T, Jaimie will always have a piece of you and Blanton
Brent, and me as well All we have to do is look in the mirror and you are right
there. Because we have your nose and eyes and hair. But most of all the morals and
lessons of life you taught us shine through us most of all.
I will strive to live a life of simplified simplicity for you. No, I will not settle for
mediocrity, but everything you taught me will live with me every day. I will not let
the traditions you started surrender. Thank you Grandi. Thank you for teaching me
what you came to teach everyone, 1 hope I am not the only one who understood
what you came to portray. Yes, the simple things in life ARE all that matters. I
understand.   I know how you must have felt every time you helped someone or
every time Blanton or Brent did superb in a ballgame. Or the way you feit when a
huge watermelon popped up in your patch. You felt depended upon. You felt like
you taught Blanton and Brent even thing they needed to know. You felt like you
accomplished something.   Because of you they will become better men. And I will
become one heck of a woman. I will walk in the path of your footsteps and I will
start where you left off. Mimi always said 1 have a "Herndon" nose. I thank God 1
have a "Herndon nose". I have a piece of you. From this day forward I will strive to
be just like you in most ways. I will try to worry less and enjoy life more. I will try to
live my life helping others the way you did.   1, like every one else, have no
explanation for what happened but this is the only explanation you have left me
with and that God has given me. You didn't deserve it. But God knew our family
and friends needed an angel to watch over us. He needed someone who He knew was
a hard-working, loving and gracious soul that would touch anyone w ho he knew. So
God needed you to come to w ork for Him. He put you on this Earth to do w hat he
created you for and w ith the world getting out of hand these days, he knew you
knew us better than anyone. So, Grandi while your up there make room for me
right next to your's and Mimi's mansion. I want to be your neighbor. So when I get
up there I want you to be standing right next to God to welcome me and hopefully
you'll have two things in your hand: a "golden" plum and the nickel that I put in
your pocket.
I love you more than you'll ever know. Watch Over Me and My Family. Watch Over All Of Our Family. God Bless you and Be with you. Keep Us Safe.
1 Love You.



How can you explain seeing someone you miss so much and haven't seen for what seems like a century gone by? It makes you estatic. It makes you have a peace in your heart to know that they are doing fine. Last night or maybe in the early hours of the morning this morning, I was sleeping. I sometimes dream and then I sometimes do not. Just like everyone else. But this dream was really special. I saw my grandi in my dream. It was a long dream and different things occured while this dream was in picture. I was at the park and Mimi, Jaimie, Terri Lynn, and my mom were there. Jason was also there and he was coaching his old football team and Mimi, jaimie, T, and my mom were all swinging in old fashioned board and rope swings. So Jason and I get in his truck and ride towards the football stadium and inside the stands are a bunch of people and they are cheering. Like a football game is actually taking place. And I look in the stands and there Grandi sat as if he were waiting for someone. You never saw Grandi at any ballgame by hisself. He was in his pitching tee (with the baby blue arms) and his blue jeans and for some reason he had a cowboy hat on like I wear to work..which would have never happened haha. The truck kept moving because we were being rammed in the behind by other drivers. But I waved out the window and he looked and I said "Grandi!!" and he said " Well, HEY KID!!!!!!" Just like he always did.It sounded just like him. He was really happy and he said something else but I can't remember what else. But at that moment even in my dream, when he said, "WELL HEY KID!!" he was happy. He is happy. There are so many coincidences that have occured that let me know he is alright. But none have actually let me know he is truley happy. This dream lead's me to believe that he is truley happy on the other side. And he is doing just fine.    


Artist/Band: Van Zant
Lyrics for Song: Get Right With the Man
Lyrics for Album: Get Right With the Man

Well Granddaddy was a hillbilly, skyler blue collar of a man

He came from the school where you didn't need nothing
if you could Make it with your own two hands

He was backwoods, backwards, used words like no sir, yes m'am,
by God be darned, hell yeah I'm American!

And all the years he walked this Earth, I swear all he did was work

He said the devil dreams on an idle horse, so you listen to me squirt!

Don't get too high on the bottle And get right with the Man

Fight your fights, find the grace in all the things that you can't change

And help somebody, if you can

Now Granny said son, I'd stick to your gun and said,
if you believe in something no matter what

Cause its better to be hated for who you are than beloved for who you're not

She was 5 feet of concrete, New York born and raised on the slick city street

She'd cold stare you down, stand her ground, still kickin' and screamin' at 93

I remember just how frail she looked in that hospital bed,
taking her last few breaths of life, smilin' as she said

Don't get too high on the bottle, just a little sip every now and then

Fight your fights, find the grace, in all the things that you can't change

And help somebody if you can

And get right with the Man

I never let a cowboy make the coffee

Yeah, that's what granny always said to my Granddad

And he'd say, never tell a joke thatain't that funny more than once

And if you wanna hear God laugh, tell him your plans

Don't get too high on the bottle

Get right with the Man, son

Fight your fights, find the grace in all the things that you can't change

And help somebody if u can
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